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Live Video Call and Q&A with Daniel Rechtschaffen
WATCH NOW: Daniel Rechtschaffen on Playing Attention – Fun and Engaging Lessons from the 5 Literacies of Mindful Learning
Recording of Live Call on Thursday, November 8th
Hello from Newport, RI!
Thanks, my students will love Spiderman breathing. I work with students with high support needs, many are non-verbal. I find many mindfulness activities require a lot of verbal communication from the students. It is very difficult to gage the reflections on the activity with the students with communication difficulties.
Thank you so much from Naples, Italy. Here the people need so much mindfulness, and I hope to bring it into schools.
Thank you for existing and for your generous offerings and inspirations.
¡Hola! Soy Cecilia de Venezuela, hoy puse en práctica una estrategia de Atención Plena en un difícil grupo de adolescentes de un barrio marginal de mi ciudad y pude notar con gran espectación de mi parte, cómo el grupo cambió de actitud y pudimos finalizar la sesión efectivamente, al mostrar las participantes una actitud positiva hacia si mismas y su superación personal.
Hi Thanks for Sharing your knowledge n experience. Many school in Sri Lanka started the program under Sati Pasala and all voluntary efforts. We have started in New Zealand too. As you said games appropriate to the groups and how one encourage the discussion what they notice is very useful and important. Thanks best wishes.
Hi I am Yessica from the Uk. I work within therapeutical communities with young people with complex trauma in a forensic setting. Mindfulness and self compassion are two of the most powerful tools I use to help them believe in themselves and avoid to keep hurting others. Thanks for help us to be more engaged in our practice and give us more ideas to improve our performance.