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Mark your calendars for the live call! The call will be live for an hour on Thursday, November 8th, starting at 4pm PT | 5pm MT | 6pm CT | 7pm ET. Click here to see your timezone. If you can’t make it live we will be sure to send you a full replay video. In the meantime, you can learn a bit more about the 5 literacies of mindful education below.


We begin with physical literacy, teaching students how to listen to their bodies and develop awareness, relaxation, and well-being in order to feel safe and ready to pay attention and learn. Then we focus on mental literacy, helping students harness attention, minimize distraction, and understand their thoughts and the mechanics of their minds. Next we move towards emotional literacy, supporting students to learn how to self-regulate, work with difficult emotions, and cultivate happiness, gratitude, and compassion.

Finally, we introduce social and global literacy, empowering students to bring their attention and compassion into relationships and cultural contexts, and expanding their mindful lenses to understand and care for the world all around them. Once we start to learn and harness these 5 mindful literacies it has the ability to impact entire educational settings and systems.


1.) Physical Literacy: Help students to be present and regulated in their bodies.

2.) Mental Literacy: Support students in witnessing their own thoughts and develop focusing skills.

3.) Emotional Literacy: Teach students how to work with difficult emotions and strengthen healthy emotional states.

4.) Social Literacy: Teach students to communicate authentically and listen empathically.

5.) Global Literacy: Empower students to be mindful ambassadors in the world.