Day 1: What is Mindfulness and How to get Started
▶ Rick Hanson, PhD: Laying Down the Foundation: An In-Depth Mindfulness Practice
▶ Parneet Pal, MBBS, MS: Establishing a Daily Practice: What Are the Benefits and How to Do it
▶ Rhonda Magee, MA, JD : Compassion in Action: Mindfulness for a Just Society
Day 2: Stabilizing Attention and Mindfulness in Everyday Life
▶ Elisha Goldstein, PhD: Everyday Mindfulness: Working with Difficult Emotions
▶ Zeenat Potia, MA: Communicating with Mindfulness and Openness
▶ Mark Bertin, MD: Mindfulness and Attention: Where to Begin for Shaping New Habits
▶ Diana Winston: Growing in Forgiveness and Learning to Let Go
Day 3: Working with Emotion and Connecting with Others
▶ Tara Brach, PhD: Radical Compassion: Wake Up Your Caring with RAIN
▶ Kristin Neff, PhD: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself
▶ Dan Siegel, MD: The Power of Showing Up: What Mindfulness Can Teach Us About Parenting
▶ Oscar Medina and Rosa Gonzalez: Creating Communities of Practice and Action
Day 4: Becoming Embodied and Engaging with the World
▶ Wendy Palmer: Embodied Leadership: Mindfulness as a Tool For Leading With Presence
▶ Jenée Johnson: Addressing Injustice: Mindfulness, Trauma, and Racial Healing
▶ Kelly McGonigal, PhD: The Joy of Movement: Mindfulness in Action
▶ Jeremy Hunter, PhD: Mindful Leadership: Live and Work with Purpose
▶ Mark Coleman: Mindfulness in Nature: Opening to Connection with the World
Day 1: What is Mindfulness and How to get Started
Day 2: Stabilizing Attention and Mindfulness in Everyday Life <